"Leadership and Humanity in the Digital Transformation Age"
Digitization leads to permanent changes in processes and business models. New functions and applications become possible and entire companies are created or simply disappear. This is especially true now in times of pandemic, which will accelerate digitization even more. However, the corporate culture and the leadership of the people in the company are changing and require mindful care. Values and goals must be brought into a meaningful harmony so that leadership and humanity remain leading.
Erschienen in Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Berlin, 2019, Seite 321-326, ISBN 978-3-95466-436-8, Preis 39,95€
Autoren: Dipl. Vw. Pia Drauschke Partner NextHealth GmbH
Dr. med. Stefan Drauschke Geschäftsführer NextHealth GmbH
Für weiterführende Informationen steht Ihnen das Autorenteam gern zur Verfügung: Tel.: 49 (0) 30 351 99 603; EMail: info@b3w8yy.myraidbox.de